Catch that


Liberals believe in freedom of choice and a “fair go”

Liberals believe in freedom of choice and a “fair go” for all. Only in a society where individuals are free to pursue their individual goals can tyranny be avoided. Only in a society where opportunity, initiative and personal responsibility are fostered can prosperity be attained. Freedom can only be meaningful if individuals have the opportunity to participate, to achieve and to develop their talents.

Liberalism is a set of democratic values based upon a central belief in the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of all people as individuals and upon a conviction that those individual rights, freedoms and responsibilities are the surest foundation of strong community life…

Liberalism is not a fixed ideology but a broad based political philosophy that relates a core set of enduring values to the changing realities and challenges that societies confront over time.

Liberals believe in freedom of choice and a “fair go” for all. Only in a society where individuals are free to pursue their individual goals can tyranny be avoided. Only in a society where opportunity, initiative and personal responsibility are fostered can prosperity be attained. Freedom can only be meaningful if individuals have the opportunity to participate, to achieve and to develop their talents.

Respect for the individual implies tolerance of others. This is why Liberalism is the enemy of privilege, sectional interests and narrow prejudice. Freedom is essential to liberalism, but it is not absolute and unfettered freedom, and the rights of any individual are limited and constrained by the equal rights of other individuals.

Intrusive government has been demonstrated by history to be inefficient, cruel and discouraging to human achievement. Liberalism is a philosophy of strategic but limited government. The role of government is to set the framework of laws and other rules within which individuals and families can freely make decisions about their own lives and pursue their goals with confidence.

By both the laws it enacts and the taxation it exacts, government should interfere as little with the freedom of the individual as is consistent with the maintenance of a fair and open society. Liberals support the family as the fundamental institution for the raising and nurturing of children and for making each individual an integral part of society.

Liberals recognise that the values, choices and actions of families have a profound influence on the welfare of the nation and that the interests of families should be at the centre of national policy making.

Liberals believe in freedom of choice and a “fair go” for all. Only in a society where individuals are free to pursue
their individual goals can tyranny be avoided.

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